Jallikattu is an ancient sport. The seals of the Indus Valley civilization
depict it, which is proof that this sport was in vogue 5,000 years ago. Ancient
Tamil poetry, known as Sangam literature (2nd BCE – 2nd CE), has many detailed
references to Eru Thazhuvuthal (hugging the bull).
Jallikattu also known as Eru thazhuvuthal is one of the traditional sport in
which a Bos indicus bull is released into a crowd of
people. Multiple human participants attempt to grab and tightly "hug"
the large hump of the bull and hang on to it while the bull attempts to escape.
Participants hug the hump for as long as possible, attempting to bring the bull
to a stop. In some cases, participants must ride long enough to remove flags
affixed to the bull's horns. Jallikattu
is typically practiced in the Indian state of Tamil
Nadu as a part of Pongal celebrations on Mattu Pongal day.
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